Don’t Be That Guy In The “Life’s A Beach” GEICO Commercial!
Before I get to the premise of “Don’t be that guy in the Life’s A Beach GEICO Commercial” I want to tell a short story.
Sand castles are really something special. As the years have passed, it became something really amazing to bond with my kids and my family on the beach and not want to destroy the castles we painstakingly created together. Each time we could make something different with the tools we had and as we progressed in our abilities, I quickly realized that as I was creating castles, I was literally lost in time. I had found my peace and quiet while building sand castles, it was my personal zen garden for meditation, sometimes to a fault and my kids would ditch me because I became more and more obsessed about wanting to build that perfect sand castle which would literally take hours and hours to construct!
The amazing part about this story is that I originally disliked going to the beach because I would quickly become bored and always rushed my family off the beach to get back home. And of course seeing professionals building amazing pieces of art on the beach, when all I had was some fixed one dimensional mold, which didn’t quite hold a candle to their masterpieces!
I literally laughed out loud when I saw the GEICO commercial with the amazing sandcastle for the first time because it hit the message home for me. I was that guy telling my son to “get some mud” envious of what others were creating from grains of sand, while I struggled to build a 6 inch castle which would stay in the mold! Play the commercial below if you haven’t watched it yet, I’m sure I’m not alone, hence why they created the ad!
So as we became more and more passionate about this idea that was dreamed up almost a year ago, we are nearly ready to release our product and we couldn’t be more excited to do so! We want to see all of your masterpieces and we want to see what you can do with our kits that we never even imagined. Most of all we want you to have fun and make incredible memories with your family and friends on those special beach days that we all want to experience. We promise that you won’t be the guy from the “Life’s A Beach” GEICO Commercial! Be sure to use #createacastle on social media to share your stunning works of art with us and others!